Since we arrived in rural Spain we’ve taken a great deal of pleasure from using harvested rainwater as our principal water source. It’s an important part of our sustainable accommodation concept, as water conservation is essential to offering environmentally friendly accommodation.
We collect and store up to 50,000 litres of rainwater, with all our roofs and gutters feeding into a surge tank before being fed across to the main storage tank, minus some sediment. It’s surprising how much Saharan sand there is in the rain here.
We noticed the difference from using piped and treated water almost immediately, how our skin was so much softer showering in pure un-chlorinated water, and it’s something that guests have commented on as well.
Until now though we haven’t been drinking the water, and have been buying in water in plastic bottles instead. We had the water system tested when we arrived, and got a clean bill of health, but we wanted the reassurance of disinfection without the addition of harsh chemicals that would change the very nature of the water we love so much.
After thorough investigation, we decided on a Purion ultra-violet treatment system which uses high intensity UV-C light to kill any harmful organisms that might be present in the water. Running day and night from our own solar-generated power, we clean and treat our water as it passes by the light and now we are sure that every drop is safe to drink and additive-free, without adding any impurities. Good for us, and better still for the plants when they re-use the grey water from showers, basins and sinks. Every drop made safe using solar-energy and used twice – that’s win-win!
And now, no more single-use plastic water bottles! That’s win-win-win!!!
Another important step on our mission - Escape • Enjoy • Be Kind is in place, reassuring guests they are supporting sustainable tourism whilst staying in our eco-friendly, luxury villa in rural Spain.
Ed & Claire